Monday 2 January 2017

Spectrum Noir Intermediate DVD - Long Version

Hope you all had a great time

Hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all .
Since we finished running our Website at the end of October I would like to remind you we still do  mail order .The question I have been asked many times is how do we know what you do ? Well here is a simple answer here are the Links to our 3 main Suppliers just browse to your hearts content and write down the code numbers what you would like  then send  us an  email just with   your phone number and we will ring you of course you can ring us on 01623 557567 if you wish but if you email us it doesnt even cost you a phone call  .  Here are the links to  our 3 main suppliers Pergamao  Parchcraft Australia and  Creative Expressions we also get the Groovi Sygstem from Pergamano 
Hope to hear from you soon and of course we always give you great discounts on orders over £5
Speak Soon
Janet x